Conference Proceedings Papers
Edited Journals
Book Reviews
Blog Posts
- Embodied Simulation and Knowledge of Possibilities (forthcoming) with Tom Schoonen, Philosophical Psychology
- Mental Action and the Scope of Affordance Perception (2022) with Tom McClelland, in The Modern Legacy of Gibson's Affordances for the Science of Organisms ed. Mangalam, Hajnal, & Kelty Stephens, Routledge
- What Are We Doing When We Perceive Numbers? (2021). with Karim Zahidi and Daniel D. Hutto. Behavioural and Brain Sciences, 44
- From Prediction to Imagination. (2020). with Sam Wilkinson, in The Cambridge Handbook of the Imagination, ed. A. Abraham, Cambridge University Press
- The Rationale of Rationalization. (2020) with Walter Veit, Joe Dewhurst, Krzysztof Dolega, Shaun Stanley, Keith Frankish,and Daniel Dennett, Behavioural and Brain Sciences, 43
- Numerals and Neural Reuse. (2020). Synthese, 197(9)
- Representing Ourselves: Reflexive Approaches to the Function of Consciousness. (2019). Editorial Introduction, Journal of Consciousness Studies, 26(3-4)
- Seeing Numbers as Affordances. (2018). in Naturalizing Logico-Mathematical Knowledge: Approaches from philosophy, psychology and Cognitive Science, ed. S. Bangu, Routledge
- The Body as Laboratory: Prediction Error Minimisation, Embodiment and Representation. (2016). with Christopher Burr, Philosophical Psychology, 29(4)
- Number Concepts for the Concept Empiricist. (2016). Philosophical Psychology, 29(3)
Conference Proceedings Papers
- Who Needs Needy Machine Consciousness? (2023) AISB Convention
- Gut Feelings: Towards Robotic Personality Generation with Microbial Fuel Cells (2022) with H. Philamore, M. Garrad & M. Grao, Conference on Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems
- The Thinking Counterfactually Repository
As part of my postdoctoral research on the Leverhulme-funded Thinking Counterfactually project at the University of Leeds, John Divers, Shyane Siriwardena, and I produced an online repository of papers that address issues relating to counterfactuals and counterfactual thought, many of which are accompanied by our own commentaries. The aim is for this to provide a starting point for any researchers interested in delving into the topic.
Edited Journals
- Representing Ourselves. Special issue of Journal of Consciousness Studies, 26(3-4).
Book Reviews
- Review of Cognitive Structural Realism by M. D. Beni, (2020), Philosophical Psychology, 33(5)
- Review of After Phrenology by M. L. Anderson, (2016), Philosophical Psychology, 29(7)
- Review of An Aristotelian Realist Philosophy of Mathematics by James Franklin, (2015), Philosophia Mathematica, 23(2)
Blog Posts
- Why is it Good to Use Your Imagination? And is this Something to Worry About? at The Junkyard of the Mind
- Book Symposium Commentary on Epistemic Uses of Imagination at The Junkyard of the Mind
- Which Came First, Creative Practices or Imagination? at The Junkyard of the Mind
- A Lack of Imagination in the Predictive Mind? at The Junkyard of the Mind
- Embodied Constraints on Imagination. Co-authored with Tom Schoonen. The Junkyard of the Mind